White Rhino Safari - Ultimate Wildlife Adventures

White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium Simum)


  • IUCN Conservation Status: Near threatened
  • Population Trend: Increasing


  • Lifespan: 40-50 years
  • Dimensions: 160-190 cm in height (at the shoulder)
  • Weight: 1700-2300 kg
  • Active: Diurnal and nocturnal

White Rhinoceros Safari Holidays

Not until you have seen a white rhinoceros in the wild can you truly appreciate the sheer magnificence of this peaceful animal. Spend time marvelling at their impressive physique as they nonchalantly roam the savanna.

The white rhinoceros is the larger of the two African rhinoceros species. Despite historically being known as black and white rhinos this is surprisingly not an accurate method of differentiating the 2 species as neither species are black or white. The main distinguishable features are at the mouth. The white rhinoceros has a wide mouth and square lip whereas the black rhinoceros has a hooked upper lip.

The white rhinoceros is active during the day and night, therefore increasing your chances of a sighting. Unlike their cousins they are a sociable species usually living in herds of up to 14 animals. This makes viewing easier and more spectacular.

The ease of interacting with white rhinoceros on safari is very dependent on you being in the right part of the continent. If you get this wrong then the chances are negligible to impossible. 98.5% of the entire white rhino population occur in Namibia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Uganda, and its stronghold of South Africa, where 93% of all individuals occur. Kruger National Park and the adjacent Sabi Sands Game Reserve in north-east South Africa are strongholds of the species, as is Namibia’s Etosha National Park.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) have listed the white rhinoceros as near threatened with populations increasing. This is a welcome relief given the plight of other African flagship species. It is a real conservation success. It was on the brink of extinction at the end of the 19th century with only an estimated 20-50 animals remaining. Thankfully, their numbers today are between 19,685 to 21,080 individuals. However, the species is not without concern. All but 2 of the remaining animals are from the southern white rhino population with two female northern white rhinos protected in a high security reserve in Kenya. The last male died in 2018 almost resigning this sub-population to extinction. The main threat to the survival of the species is poaching to satisfy the demand for rhino horn in Asia.

By electing to visit these gentle giants with Ultimate Wildlife Adventures you are contributing to their protection and chances of future survival, as well as signing up for an experience of a lifetime.

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Contact us to discuss how we can include the white rhinoceros in your perfect wildlife holiday itinerary.

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